love poem of the day

  I loved the way you stared at me, looking 
deep into my eyes.

I loved the way you smiled at me, showing

those pearly whites.

I loved the way the way you talked to me,

your voice sounding so pure.

I loved how I told you everything,

this I know for sure.

I loved the way we got competitive,

when we played those computer games,
I loved how we spent all year together,
and you never not once changed.
Yes, sometimes you had your moods,
but they never lasted long,
I always cheered you up,
because we always got along.
I loved everything about you
in every possible way
and the truth is I’m still in love today

About nestoflash

I am flashing blogger, delighted to use wordpress and blogger.
This entry was posted in I am still in love, i love the way you are, I Love You, in love, LOVE, Love Poem, society, stil in love, still in love with you, waiting for you. Bookmark the permalink.

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