Category Archives: dating image

love quote of the day

w When I first saw you I fell in love with you and you smiled because you knew.w

Posted in boy girl image, couple picture, couples in love, cute couple, cute image, cute love quote, cute love tip, cute photo, cute quotes, Dating, dating image, LOVE, love image, love quote, lovely couples, saw you | Leave a comment

Love Tip Of the day

If your boyfriend or girlfriend has no texts in their phone’s history, chances are you’re being cheated on.

Posted in dating image, dating tip, love image, love tip, love tip of the day, relationship | Leave a comment

Image of the Day!

Its When You hold My hand that i realize there’s nothing more I want to Hold in this World.

Posted in couple, couple image, cute, cute couple, Dating, dating image, hands image, holding hand image, image of the day, LOVE, love image | Leave a comment

Love Tip Of the Day!!!

There is never a time or place for love. It happens accidentally, in a heartbeat, in a single flashing, throbbing moment.♥

Posted in couple, couple image, cute, cute couple, cute couple image, dating image, dating tip, faling in love, LOVE, love and dating, love image, love tip, love tip of the day | Leave a comment

Video of the day!!!

Here are certain rules for you guys who are hormonally charged prom goers……kindly note. BNB gives you some outstanding ideas to follow some etiquette on your memorable prom night

Posted in adult, adult tip, Dating, dating article, dating image, dating tip, dating video, Etiquettes to help you score, ettiquete boys should have, love advice, love tip, love video | Leave a comment

Love tip of the Day!!!

Don’t change to attract someone u want, remain who u are & attract someone who will love you for YOU!

Posted in cute, cute couple, cute couple image, cute ikmages, Dating, dating image, dating tip, I Love You, I love You quote, LOVE, love image, love tip, love tip of the day, showing love | Leave a comment

Article of the day!!!

Goodafternoon people..!Its Beauty here this noon to share a humorous article.A lot of talking has been done about women and their side of story..!Why should Men be left Behind..!So here’s to it!Men- read and laugh out loud…Women- read and laught … Continue reading

Posted in article about girls and guys, Dating, dating image, dating tip, hillariuos article, humour, men and women, men's rules, the guy's rules, what guys think about girls, what men think about women | Leave a comment