Category Archives: girl’s preference

Bad Date Exit Tactics !!

Have you ever acted as a weirdo while on a date, just to go invisible? BNB tells you that how honesty is sometimes not a best policy..stay tuned..

Posted in adult, adult tip, bad date exit tactics, Dating, dating tip, dating video, falling in love, girl's preference, love advice, love tip, love video, relationship, sex, sex tip, showing love, Uncategorized | Leave a comment

7 things to make your girl feel special :)

1.Greet her with flowers : Wanna be non splurgy on your budget and still want your girl to flash that smile when she meets you? Then, we advice you to buy her a beautiful rose or a couple of her … Continue reading

Posted in adult tip, couple, Dating, dating article, dating tip, falling for you, falling in love, girl's preference, I Love You, love advice, love article, showing love, things to make her feel special | Leave a comment