Category Archives: relationship advice

Video Of The Day!!!

Is your boyfriend’s impression good enough in front of your parents ??? BNB will tell you some top tips to get your parents to like your boyfriend..

Posted in dating tip, do her parents like you, how to impress her parents, How to make your parents like him, love tip, parents and dating, relationship advice | Leave a comment

How to impress Her Mommy :)

Are you on a verge to impress her mom and finding it too hard to do so ??? BnB will tell you how to impress her mom pleasantly..

Posted in dating tips, dating video, How to impress her mom, impress her parents, love tips, relationship advice, video having dating tips | Leave a comment

How To Compliment Women :)

  Hi guys! So many of my readers are men with great intentions, and I’m here to help you translate those intentions into actions that women will interpret positively. What’s the quickest way to a man’s heart? Through his stomach, … Continue reading

Posted in dating article, dating tip, How to compliment women, LOVE, love tip, relationship advice, tips for him, tips while dating a woman | Leave a comment

Love tip Of the Day!!!

Girls: If you have a good boyfriend, don’t make him pay for the mistakes that other boys made.

Posted in dating tip, dating tip for her, love image, love tip, love tip of the day, relationship advice | Leave a comment

Is He a Player?!!

Assumptions are like termites of any relationships.Did you spot some traits of your guy fooling around with you?Dr.Beauty tells you if your guy is playing around with you.

Posted in adult tip, dating tips, dating video, how to find out whether he is a player, is he a player, love and dating, love tip, relationship, relationship advice | Leave a comment