Category Archives: sexy couples

Love quote of the day

LOVE is just another word until you find  someone who gives it a definition

Posted in couples holding each other, cute couples, cute love images, cute quotes, eyes, just a word, looks, LOVE, Love Quotes, sexy couples, someone special, true love, you and me | Leave a comment

Love quote of the day

When i miss you i re-read your messages and smile like  an idiot

Posted in adult tip, dark couples, in love, lovely quotes, memories, miss you imagees, negative image, read your messages, sexy couples, together | Leave a comment

love image of the day

Its not about how much love you have in the  beginning… its about how much love you build till the end.

Posted in beautiful picture, cute couples, dating tips, forever, how much you love, love image, love tips, love you, sexy couples, till the end | Leave a comment

Love quote of the day

Cinderalla walked on broken glass Sleeping beauty let a lifetime pass Belle feel in love with a hideous beast Jasmine chose a poor man Ariel spent her life on land Its all about smiles and tears love is about facing … Continue reading

Posted in beast, beautiful, couples holding hands, couples holding tightly, cute couples, fears, in love, love quot, lovely image, sexy couples, smile, sunset, tears, together | Leave a comment

Love image of the day

Love allows you to see good in person  even when no one else does.

Posted in black and white couples, couples in love, cute couples, hot couples, love image, lovely couples, sexy couples | Leave a comment

love quote of the day

Love is when you want to be closer, even if you are that little bit apart.

Posted in couple image, couples, couples holding tightly, cute couples hugging, love is when you want to be closer, lovely couples, lovw quote, sexy couples | Leave a comment