Category Archives: things to make her feel special

Video of the day!

Do you think unexpected calls and flirtatious messages will make your impact on her 24/7?? Hold your thought! BNB gives you some spunky ideas to stay on her mind For more love and dating tips from this hillarious duo…subscribe on … Continue reading

Posted in adult, adult tip, Dating, dating tip, dating video, falling for you, how to stay o her mond, LOVE, love advice, love tip, love video, things to make her feel special, tips to have good sex life | Leave a comment

Love image of the day..!

Love-Its in those little things he does for you..Its in those moments you spend that become memories..Its in those smiles you share..Its in those statements he says and means every word of it..Yes,Its in those hours,minutes and seconds he can … Continue reading

Posted in couple, cute, I Love You, I love you message, I love You quote, LOVE, love advice, love image, love meaning, Love Poem, Love Quotes, love tip, lovely, relationship, showing love, things to make her feel special | Leave a comment

Love quote of the day!!!

When I looked into your eyes I didnt see just you, I saw my today, my tomorrow, and my future for the rest of my life.. I love you!!!

Posted in couple, cute, falling for you, falling in love, I Love You, I love you message, kiss, love advice, love article, love image, Love Quotes, love tip, relationship, showing love, things to make her feel special | Leave a comment

7 things to make your girl feel special :)

1.Greet her with flowers : Wanna be non splurgy on your budget and still want your girl to flash that smile when she meets you? Then, we advice you to buy her a beautiful rose or a couple of her … Continue reading

Posted in adult tip, couple, Dating, dating article, dating tip, falling for you, falling in love, girl's preference, I Love You, love advice, love article, showing love, things to make her feel special | Leave a comment